Not Funny: Gina McCarthy cracks jokes while announcing devastation of coal miner jobs, families, communities

Reuters reports:

When U.S. environment chief Gina McCarthy talked about cutting climate-warming carbon emissions on Friday, she offered a translation for those unfamiliar with the dropped “R” of her thick Boston accent.

“I should make sure that everybody knows that when I say cahbon, it’s c-a-r-b-o-n,” McCarthy told a standing-room-only gathering at the National Press Club in Washington.

As the chuckles subsided, the new administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, who was sworn into office in July, added, “I’ll be talking about cahs later too, which is c-a-r.”

McCarthy’s self-deprecating humor is a new asset in the Obama administration’s push to sell its climate plan – in Friday’s case, regulations that will use the Clean Air Act to severely limit greenhouse gas emissions from yet-to-be-built power plants.

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One thought on “Not Funny: Gina McCarthy cracks jokes while announcing devastation of coal miner jobs, families, communities”

  1. “regulations that will use the Clean Air Act to severely limit greenhouse gas emissions from yet-to-be-built power plants.”

    Should read “never to be built”

    If they were really sincere, they would shut up. That would reduce warming far more than any CCS.

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