NOAA blames Spring 2012 hot weather on manmade global warming; UK Met Office says ‘no evidence’ for blaming humans

Just another day in global warming la-la land.

Makin’ it up: NOAA says 35% of March-May 2012 ‘extreme warmth’ in Eastern US due to manmade global warming

UK Met Office admits: ‘No evidence we are seeing things that could not have happened without natural weather variability’

3 thoughts on “NOAA blames Spring 2012 hot weather on manmade global warming; UK Met Office says ‘no evidence’ for blaming humans”

  1. The NOAA report refers to and seems to cite a report by the American Meteorological Society. On scanning the NOAA report the conclusions seemed to be: difficult to assess the human impact, no impact and 4x the probability of human influence. Or something like that. I need another couple cups of coffee to understand that. Seems to be written for the headline and add the AMS cover with the Jersey Shore and you have a really exciting piece.

  2. Wow, if you took the word “but” out of the article there would have been less than one page to read. That reads like a bad attempt at a disaster movie scenario than a scientific report. Standards have slipped a bit in the scientific community I guess.

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