New excuse for stop in warming — ‘black holes’ in the ocean

New Scientist reports:

Earth has its own black holes. Swirling masses of water in the ocean are mathematically the same as the warped regions of space-time around cosmic singularities. The finding is more than a mere curiosity: these eddies could be helping to slow climate change.

Oceanic maelstroms can trap and carry billions of tonnes of water over long distances, along with debris and marine life. But because the oceans are constantly churning, it was difficult to pick these cyclones out of the chaos. To know how much water they transport and what their impact on climate could be, we needed a way to locate their edges.

To find them, George Haller of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and Francisco Beron-Vera at the University of Miami, Florida, created a mathematical model that revealed the similarities between the eddies’ conveyor belt-like edges and a particular region around a black hole. In this so-called photon sphere, light is trapped in loops that spin around the black hole forever.

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12 thoughts on “New excuse for stop in warming — ‘black holes’ in the ocean”

  1. Ya….right. The black swirling hole in the ocean ate our global warming. Now if it could just swallow up the climate alarmists, wind weasels, and faux-green enviro-wackos along with them, I might believe it….

  2. All the heat must be sucked into the Bermuda Triangle, never to be seen again. You know the oceanic maelstroms, not to be confused with Oceanic flight 815, and deep ocean currents all end up into the Triangle. Some how I knew it was the aliens all along

  3. “Swirling masses of water in the ocean are mathematically the same as the warped regions of space-time around cosmic singularities.”

    Someone needs to go back to math class. If they think “a swirling body of water produced by the meeting of opposing currents” is the same as “An area of space-time with a gravitational field so intense that its escape velocity is equal to or exceeds the speed of light” then I can see why none of their computer models are working. A whirlpool is an artifact of opposing forces not a force in and of itself. There is no mathematical similarity between the two.

    They didn’t listen when reasonable detractors pointed out that the oceans would act as a heat sink decades ago. Then they actually used that as an excuse for why their projections are wrong. Why doesn’t their excuse sound like an admission of failure? Of course there’s heat flowing into the oceans. Of course heat moves from areas of high heat to areas of low heat. The argument has always been that the amount of “excess” heat trapped by GHGs is insignificant in comparison to the mass that would need to be warmed before we could tell a difference.

  4. Actually, it is at the level of “And I think God would have said…”, as the way you phrased it implies at the least a belief that God had spoken about it.

    What he seems to be saying is more like “I went to the State Fair and bough a pound of fudge and this looked like a good place to use it!”

  5. Throwing in an unexplained, unpredicted, unqualified, unquantified subtheory into a theory just because it covers a failing in the overall theory is not scientific until you have some level of confirmation. Right now this “black hole” theory is at the level of “And God said…”

    Just because something can explain a phenomenon, doesn’t mean it actually does. Google phlogiston, interstellar ether, epicycles and deferents for historical examples.

  6. “To find them, George Haller of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich and Francisco Beron-Vera at the University of Miami, Florida, created a mathematical model ”

    All is explained. “Model-based” evidence, i.e. pure blah

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