Monckton: Data show no global warming for 202 months — 17 years, 7 months of ‘pause’

Lord Monckton writes at WUWT:

In an earlier posting I demonstrated that for more than 17 years (now 17 years 7 months) the HadCRUt4 monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly dataset had shown no global warming distinguishable from the combined 2 σ measurement, coverage, and bias uncertainties published together with the data themselves.

However, there were those who said that, nevertheless, the HadCRUt4 data appeared to show some warming (albeit less than 1 Cº/century). Well, the first of the five principal datasets to show no warming at all for 17 years is likely to be the RSS dataset of Santer’s own colleagues. Today the data for August 2013 were made available:

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One thought on “Monckton: Data show no global warming for 202 months — 17 years, 7 months of ‘pause’”

  1. Quibbling: 202 months is 16.8 years, not 17y 7m. The point is still entirely valid. The best temperature set for the last 30 years or so is the satellite record, the one that shows the least signs of warming and perhaps shows signs of cooling — the one that NASA (!) climatologists reject.

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