Lisa Jackson blames EPA staff for Richard Windsor e-mail scandal

From Lisa Jackson’s written testimony for today’s 9am hearing:

I’d like to address the naming of my second account. I suggested that we label the second account “adminjackson” or something similar with my name or title in it. But career staffers recommended using a full name, since the e-mail address database was publicly available and searchable. People looking to have unimpeded access or a faster way to reach the Administrator would be searching for a secondary address, so I was advised against anything obvious. My husband and sons were still living in East Windsor, New Jersey, and our family dog’s name is Ricky. So, with tongue in cheek, I named my account Windsor-DOT-Richard at EPA-DOT-gov. Regardless of the choice of name, the account was for official business and subject to the Freedom of Information Act. There was a learning curve for me on who should have access to the second account. I eventually decided that the account should be primarily for my senior staff and White House staff. EPA has released thousands of e-mails from this account. I used it every day to do my job more effectively.

Read her full written testimony.

4 thoughts on “Lisa Jackson blames EPA staff for Richard Windsor e-mail scandal”

  1. Lisa Jackson is NOT a criminal and is not guilty of anything. Black September is NOT a terrorist group but only one disguised as such to protect the government from itself. Lisa Jackson is your maker 🙂 and the executive branch remains as it stands

  2. That’s the problem with accountability in politics. In its absence, you’re left with blame.

  3. She should be held to the same standard her agency uses for the regulated community. No chance of that happening and she would scream at the injustice of such an act. What a lame excuse for obviously evading the law. I’m surprised she didn’t blame Bush.

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