Irony: IMF says it can help climate by ‘shining light on murky cobweb of energy subsidies’

Careful, Christine, without that “murcky cobweb”, the wind and solar industries would not exist.

Thomson Reuters reports:

“The IMF is not an environmental organization, but we can help here,” Lagarde said, according to prepared remarks at a U.N. forum on sustainable development. “One example is by trying to shine a light on the murky cobweb of energy subsidies.”

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One thought on “Irony: IMF says it can help climate by ‘shining light on murky cobweb of energy subsidies’”

  1. Yet another unelected global government agency telling us what’s best for us.
    “Tackling economic instability is impossible without also addressing environmental damage and inequality, two areas the IMF has not traditionally focused on.”
    Translation: We can’t wield the power no one elected to give us without having more power no one will get to vote on us having.

    “The IMF is not an environmental organization, but we can help here,”
    Translation: We have no idea what we’re talking about, but that shouldn’t stop us sticking our noses in and earning a fat consultancy fee.

    “The IMF has made a bigger push in recent years to urge countries to rein in energy subsidies, [which] eat up valuable government money that could be better put to use for education or health care.”
    Translation: Let Mommy write you a budget for your allowance.
    “Lack of attention to climate change was one of two issues that kept her up at night. The other was high global unemployment.”
    Translation: We’re making decisions that affect the entire world’s economy while suffering from sleep deprivation due to paranoid fear of a three degree rise in temperature which may occur after we’re dead, AND the fear that all of the poor people we’re screwing over will eventually rise against us.

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