IPCC to (arbitrarily) set global carbon budget to match its (arbitrary) 2C temperature limit

RTCC reports:

Next week’s landmark UN climate science report is likely to set a figure on the amount of fossil fuels that can be burnt if global warming is to be limited to safe levels.

It could warn that less than a quarter of the planet’s oil, coal and gas reserves can be consumed between now and 2050, and set a worldwide ‘carbon emission budget’.

Previous studies have indicated that the world has already used a third of this budget it needs to stay within to avoid warming of more than 2°C. Scientists say rises about this level are likely to be dangerous…

Researchers at the Carbon Tracker Initiative say fossil fuel companies are creating a ‘carbon bubble’ of unusable goods. They say that by 2011 the world had used over a third of its 50-year carbon budget of 886GtCO2, leaving 565GtCO2.

Reserves owned by the top 100 coal, oil and gas companies represent total emissions of 745GtCO2.

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One thought on “IPCC to (arbitrarily) set global carbon budget to match its (arbitrary) 2C temperature limit”

  1. These are just farcical measurements. Human production of CO2 is a small part of overall CO2 production and CO2 is a small driver of temperature change and temperature change is not shown to be a driver of weather.
    Reducing slightly a small part of a tiny element that can’t be shown to do anything is the definition of futile.
    No, excuse me, expecting rational discussion from watermelons is the defintion of futile. This is about the third or fourth footnote defining futile.

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