IPCC report ‘nothing but a political statement to cover up the fact that continual predictions about climate change are just not happening’

The Express reports:

Dr Benny Peiser, of Lord Lawson’s Global Warming Policy Foundation, branded the report “insincere hype” and “scare tactics”.

He said: “This is nothing but a political statement to cover up the fact that continual predictions about climate change are just not happening. The IPCC said global temperatures would rise by up to 0.2C [0.36F] a decade and this is not happening.

“This is a political attempt to divert attention away from the fact that they would otherwise have to admit they were wrong. This report is not a scientific, ­honest assessment of their performance in the past or the performance of climate.”

He criticised the BBC’s coverage of the report which suggests a worldwide threat of heatwaves, droughts and floods.

He said: “It has been foolhardy of them to just repeat these claims when the truth is we have been spared the most dramatic estimates.

“These predictions are completely and utterly flawed and instead of coming clean, the IPCC are trying to camouflage their mistakes by saying they are more confident than ever.”

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