Hysterical: IPCC warns of melting Himalayan glaciers again — Pachauri says Glaciergate error was to put a definite date on meltdown!

The Financial Times reports:

The glaciers of the Himalayas are melting so fast they will affect the water supplies of a population twice that of the US within 22 years, the head of the world’s leading authority on climate change has warned.

“That’s something to be concerned about,” said Rachendra Pachauri, chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which next week starts releasing its first extensive report in six years on how the global climate is changing.

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One thought on “Hysterical: IPCC warns of melting Himalayan glaciers again — Pachauri says Glaciergate error was to put a definite date on meltdown!”

  1. Last time you made a verifiable prediction, it didn’t work out too well for ya, Pachy boy. So good luck to ya on this one.

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