Howler: IPCC lead author says upcoming report is ‘conservative’… ‘we don’t want to overstate things’

Like it has for the past 15 years? reports:

From Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University, to Don Wuebbles, a professor of atmospheric science at the University of Illinois and an IPCC coordinating lead author, all agreed that readers can expect to see only what climate scientists are most certain of – and nothing that isn’t supported by all IPCC scientists.

“When a scientist makes a statement like these ‘likely’ statements, we’ve got to be pretty conservative,” said Dr. Wuebbles. “We’re probably under-representing our knowledge because we want to be real careful and don’t want to overstate things. And so, [the report] tends to be more on the conservative side than anything.”

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