House: EPA in default of ‘secret science’ subpoena

From the House Science Committee today:

For Immediate Release
September 3, 2013
Media Contacts: Zachary Kurz, Kim Smith Hicks 202-225-6371

Smith: EPA Stands in Default of Subpoena

Washington, D.C. – After thorough review of the response provided by EPA to the Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s recent subpoena, Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today sent a letter stating that the information is insufficient and that the agency currently stands in default. On August 19, 2013, EPA sent a file of already public information along with a letter outlining excuses for why the agency did not comply with the subpoena and produce all of the requested data in a timely manner.

Chairman Smith: “EPA currently stands in default. EPA is using the subpoenaed data to support regulations that could cost the American people trillions of dollars. Yet the agency has refused to make the data available to Congress or the American people. Regulations based on secret data have no place in a democracy.

“I remain hopeful that the subpoena will be complied with in the spirit of cooperation appropriate to relations between Congress and the Executive. If EPA continues to default on its subpoena obligations, I will not hesitate to pursue all other means available to compel production of the relevant data.”

Chairman Smith’s letter urges EPA to promptly produce all of the data demanded by the subpoena and requests information about the specific steps the agency is taking to produce all documents by September 30, 2013.

Click for the letter.

3 thoughts on “House: EPA in default of ‘secret science’ subpoena”

  1. Blah blah blah. The legislative branch has no police powers. Who enforces this “subpoena”?
    You can’t deal with a rogue executive element on their terms. Only defunding is possible. Given Washington world, at best a 20% cut, maybe.

  2. For God’s sake don’t just boo hoo hoo because the EPA won’t play with you take action! Defund or close the EPA down before
    It does any more damage to the economy than it already has.

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