Green’s stand to lose in Aussie elections next Saturday

The Daily Telegraph reports:

AUSTRALIAN Greens leader Christine Milne admits Senate seats for her party are on a “knife’s edge” as she scrambles to sure up numbers against a coalition government.

Senator Milne says her upper house colleagues intend to stand against Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s plan to scrap the carbon tax, should he become prime minister after Saturday’s election.

“It’s absolutely important that we take strong action on climate change … I will not support an Abbott government trying to repeal (the carbon tax),” she told ABC TV on Tuesday.

But the Greens face an uphill battle to maintain their nine Senate positions further into the next term.

Preferences are boosting the chances of minor players, while the major parties may also be in line to collect additional tickets…

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2 thoughts on “Green’s stand to lose in Aussie elections next Saturday”

  1. Maybe Australia can lead the world back to reality and common sense by dumping all the AGW crap – fingers are crossed

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