EPA to require new coal plants to use carbon capture technology that does not exist

The WaPo reports:

This month, the Environmental Protection Agency will propose standards that will establish stricter pollution limits for gas-fired power plants than coal-fired power plants, according to individuals who were briefed on the matter but asked not to be identified because the rule was not public yet.

The revised rule, which would impose greenhouse gas limits on power plants for the first time, will still require utilities to install costly carbon controls on coal plants.

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4 thoughts on “EPA to require new coal plants to use carbon capture technology that does not exist”

  1. The EPA already requires oil companies to use a feedstock that does not exist – cellulosic ethanol – so what’s new about this?

  2. Time — past time — for Congress to intervene. Congress has a duty to pass a law saying that carbon dioxide is a safe atmospheric component and that the federal government will not regulate regarding CO2. Perhaps even add a “sense of Congress” that CO2 regulation at the state level interferes with interstate commerce and is not lawful.

  3. Next idea, all cars will be required to be replaced by golden unicorns who eat toxic sludge and fart flowers…

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