Eco-terror: IPCC has convinced some that warming threatens the existence of Earth itself

The Las Vegas Guardian Express reports in “Climate Change: How Long Will Earth Remain?”:

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has raised anew the question: how long will Earth remain before we ruin it completely?

According to Thomas Stocker, a co-chair of the IPCC assessment and climate scientist at the University of Bern, Switzerland, climatic change “challenges the two primary resources of humans and ecosystems, land and water.” He warned that, “In short, it threatens our planet, our only home.”

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6 thoughts on “Eco-terror: IPCC has convinced some that warming threatens the existence of Earth itself”

  1. Oh yeah, you wait two billion more years and see. It will be way too hot for life this planet then.

  2. The earth will be here long after those greentards are gone and forgotten. What will be destroyed, is our way of life, our finances, and our freedom, if we don’t stop the lefties from having their way with it.

  3. This is getting crazy! The earth has existed for 4 billion years and these idiots are claiming the earth will be destroyed by a little CO2. A complete lack of common sense and perspective.

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