E-mails show greens, lobbyists and partisans helping Obama’s anti-fossil fuel FERC pick move through Senate

The Washington Times reports:

President Obama’s nominee to head the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is coordinating his campaign with two lobbyists for energy companies, a Democratic strategy firm and several other green-technology strategists, according to emails that show an unprecedented effort to gain a position on the obscure board.

Ron Binz, the former head of Colorado’s Public Utilities Commission, has become an unlikely nomination battleground in the Senate, where commissioners for FERC, a regulatory agency that oversees the interstate transmission of electricity, oil and gas, are usually accepted without any problems.

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3 thoughts on “E-mails show greens, lobbyists and partisans helping Obama’s anti-fossil fuel FERC pick move through Senate”

  1. Isn’t that what lobbyists do? Advocate for whatever benefits their employer? Sorry, failing to see the issue here.

  2. I despise Obama, I assume any appointee of his is a bad choice until proven otherwise (his Defense picks have been good (Gates) or better than I expected (Panetta)) — but it’s also normal for appointees to have advocates. A president represents many constituencies and so do appointees or candidates; their friends are sure to put in a good word. I’m fine with that.

  3. As we know (or should!), elections have consequences. This is another one – every possible position that O can fill is (and has been) going to be with an ultra-left, anti-human radical. There will be more.

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