Dem Senate candidate in WV: ‘This regulation is bad for West Virginia coal miners, their families and communities across the coal fields’

NewsOK reports:

West Virginia’s leading U.S. Senate candidates issued statements Friday that showed the two are largely aligned in their opposition to stringent regulations the Obama administration has proposed for new coal-fired power plants…

On Friday, Tennant’s campaign issued a statement saying that the president has taken direct aim at West Virginia with the proposed regulations and that she’s not afraid to take on leaders in her own party to oppose them.

“This proposed regulation would effectively prohibit the construction of any new coal-fired plants. This regulation is bad for West Virginia coal miners, their families and communities across the coal fields,” Tennant said.

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One thought on “Dem Senate candidate in WV: ‘This regulation is bad for West Virginia coal miners, their families and communities across the coal fields’”

  1. Let’s see; Tennant wants the voters of West Virginia to put her into the U.S. Senate to perpetuate a National Socialist Democrat American Party (NSDAP) majority which has done nothing to opposed our Fraudulence-in-Chief’s attack upon the coal industry and cost-effective energy for America’s families and businesses, and yet she’s supposed somehow to be in opposition to the Odippity Administration’s unconstitutional policies and practices?

    Yeah, right. While you’re groping around down there in the voter’s trousers, Tennant, grab the other one.

    It’s got bells on.

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