Cowardly: EPA chief begins 3-day tour to promote coal rules — But not visiting any coal communities or debating opponents

EPA announces:

EPA Chief Begins Three-State Tour Highlighting Climate Action Plan / EPA Administrator visits New York, Wisconsin, and Michigan to discuss climate change, power plant announcement

On Wednesday, Administrator McCarthy will speak to Clinton Global Initiative attendees during a panel discussion titled, “Making the Case for Environmental and Sustainability Education.” She will be joined by representatives from the Captain Planet Foundation, Children’s Environmental Literacy Foundation, African Wildlife Foundation and Earth University. On Thursday, she will travel to Ann Arbor, Mich. to deliver a keynote address to students, faculty and members of the public attending the Michigan Environmental Law and Public Health Conference at the University of Michigan Law School. Friday in Madison, Wis., Administrator McCarthy will join Madison Mayor Paul Soglin to highlight EPA’s work with local communities to advance sustainability efforts through the MPower Business Champion Program. She will also deliver a keynote address at the Trout Unlimited Annual meeting.

Read the EPA release.

One thought on “Cowardly: EPA chief begins 3-day tour to promote coal rules — But not visiting any coal communities or debating opponents”

  1. Eh, it’s rude to be a guest in the house you plan to ruin. And the residents may greet you as you deserve. That would explain McCarthy’s choices of venues.
    Maybe people should remind the Obama team that one of the highest winners in “America’s Got Talent” this year got there with a song called “Coal Keeps the Lights On.” And it does, at two levels: the miners, who have no special claim to their jobs if the jobs are really obsolete but they’re not, and the customers, who need the electricity.
    Again I find myself asking — wailing, really — “How can ‘progressives’ get so much support from the working class and the poor when their policies do so much harm to the working class and the poor?”

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