Confidence in IPCC teetering: BBC reports ‘governments demanding clear explanation’ of warming slowdown

The BBC reports:

Scientists will underline, with greater certainty than ever, the role of human activities in rising temperatures.

But many governments are demanding a clearer explanation of the slowdown in temperature increases since 1998.

One participant told BBC News that this pause will be a “central piece” of the summary…

Prof Arthur Petersen is the chief scientist at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and part of the Dutch delegation that will review the IPCC report.

“Governments are demanding a clear explanation of what are the possible causes of this factor,” he told BBC News.

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3 thoughts on “Confidence in IPCC teetering: BBC reports ‘governments demanding clear explanation’ of warming slowdown”

  1. Just give them time…..they are scrambling to come up with an excuse as we speak. One that won’t make us stop being afraid, of course. That is their only sales gimmick for the greenscam. Ya, the sky is falling….yawn.

  2. Maybe someone will wake up to the fact that “government panels” should not be doing “science”.

  3. “Governments are demanding a clear explanation”

    Climate “scientists” control the debate. Static temps falsify AGW, yet governments still ask for an explanation. They are hooked.

    Regardless of any proffered explanation, it is self evident that natural forces overpower any possible AGW effect.

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