Coal CEO: Obama killing coal to please his ‘radical environmentalist, unionist, liberal elitist, Hollywood’ constituents

The Wheeling Intelligencer reports:

Murray said Obama is killing coal to please his “radical environmentalist, unionist, liberal elitist, Hollywood character, and other constituents.”

“Many prominent Americans are now discussing the need to impeach President Obama … Maybe you will want to be part of this effort,” he added.

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2 thoughts on “Coal CEO: Obama killing coal to please his ‘radical environmentalist, unionist, liberal elitist, Hollywood’ constituents”

  1. Mr. Murray is underestimating Obama. Mr. Murray is quite right that Obama, who is really an outsider, is eager to impress his cool friends. But Obama also hates coal, energy and wealth.
    Impeach? Not over this; it’s policy, not criminal.

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