Climate change models may not be accurate after all as study finds most widely overestimated global warming

The Daily Mail reports:

Predictions on global warming trends may not be as accurate as at first their studies suggest.

A new study in the journal Nature Climate Change looked at 117 climate predictions made in the 1990’s to the actual amount of warming.

Out of 117 predictions, only three were accurate. The other 114 overestimated the amount by which the Earth’s temperature rose.

The predictions were roughly twice the amount of global warming than had actually occurred.

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8 thoughts on “Climate change models may not be accurate after all as study finds most widely overestimated global warming”

  1. As a programmer and data analyst I can assure you the models all very accurately predicted exactly what they were told to. The bias can not exist in the computers; it only exists in the programmers.

  2. It’s significant that, of 117 models, three were close and 114 overestimated by wide margins. All the errors reported here are overestimates. That suggests some kind of model bias or there would be a distribution of highs and lows.

  3. Was anyone else able to post at the DailyMail? Looks like they may be blocking comments, OR… they don’t like me very much, of course they wouldn’t be the first so…

    If you can’t post their either, that would be nice to know.

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