Claim: Clean drinking water causes Alzheimer’s

This is junk science because…

… as the article acknowledges:

Experts said that although the study allowed for the fact that people live far longer in Western countries, it did not take account of the fact that such countries had better reporting systems and were more likely to document cases of Alzheimer’s disease.

The Telegraph reports:

Researchers have linked the “hygiene hypothesis” – the idea that lack of exposure to germs, viruses and parasites harms the immune system – to rising rates of dementia in richer nations.

A new study by Cambridge University compared dementia cases in 192 countries and found it was more common in those with better sanitation and less disease.

Countries where everyone has access to clean drinking water, such as the UK and France, have nine per cent higher Alzheimer’s rates then average.

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6 thoughts on “Claim: Clean drinking water causes Alzheimer’s”

  1. Here we go, a new round of deindustrialization from the GLOBAL NEW-WORLD ORDER. I don’t care whether either hypothesis can claim more scientific than the other, neither of their claims means very much.–Too many departments of science exist, merely for the opportunity to live off lucrative grants.

    This is an updated movie, on alot of what is going on with people’s health, including Alzcheimer’s. There is alot of documented evidence in this movie, that not only supports the water hypothesis, but many diseases doctors do not even consider testing people for,–Because they don’t know what cloud-seeding (the official term for chemtrails).

  2. I picked the wrong line of work. I should have gone into “Crisis Creation.” Seems pretty lucrative.

  3. So, to avoid Alzheimer’s I should eat dirt, not wash my hands and, in general, return to those thrilling days of my youth in the hogpens and such? Seems to me that the more we manage to survive the things that reduced life expectancy we are open to other problems. Multiple birthday syndrome is relentless.

  4. Harvard Scientist Criticizes Wichita Paper’s Whitewash of Fluoride/IQ Study

    A poorly fact-checked article from a Kansas newspaper (mentioned in this Tampa Bay Times article) is being cited by well-funded advocacy organizations across the country to convince decision-makers, physicians and the public to disregard a peer-reviewed Harvard research paper linking fluoride to lower IQ in children

    Harvard scientist, Philippe Grandjean, MD, states the newspaper never “checked their information with the authors, even though statements were attributed to them.”

    The Kansas newspaper (the Wichita Eagle) heavily promoted fluoridation on its editorial pages in the buildup to a city referendum in which voters rejected an effort to fluoridate water and is biased.

    The Wichita paper’s opening paragraph on the Harvard IQ study declared: “Harvard university scientists say Wichita voters shouldn’t depend on a research study they compiled to decide whether to put fluoride in the city’s drinking water to fight tooth decay.”

    This, however, is false. Dr. Philippe Grandjean, the senior scientist on the Harvard team, criticized the Wichita paper for deceptively attributing its own conclusions on fluoridation to the Harvard scientists. Fluoridation’s potential to produce “chemical brain drain,” Grandjean writes, is an issue that “definitely deserves concern.”

    Grandjean also takes objection to the Wichita paper’s claim that the Harvard review only looked at studies that used “very high levels of fluoride.” The Wichita paper conveyed this impression by focusing on a single, cherry-picked study (Hu 1989) that was never published, nor even included in the Harvard review.

    The truth, Grandjean writes, is that “only 4 of 27 studies” in the Harvard review used the high levels that the Wichita paper described, and “clear differences” in IQ “were found at much lower exposures.”

    Instead of relying on a Kansas newspaper to discredit the findings of a peer-reviewed, published study by Harvard scientists, health authorities should be taking a long hard look at the wisdom and safety of forcing communities to consume fluoride chemicals in their water and food — a practice most developed nations rejected decades ago.

    Thirty-six human studies now link fluoride to children’s lowered IQ, some at levels considered safe in the US.

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