Canadian minister says Obama Keystone XL blackmail may be working

CBC reports:

Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver says he’s been getting an “enthusiastic” reaction from the new U.S. energy secretary on a proposal from Ottawa that Canada and the United States work together on targets to reduce emissions from oil and gas production.

In an interview with CBC News Tuesday, Oliver said he was encouraged by his first face-to-face meeting with U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz in Washington on Monday.

And he says officials are now working on the details of a plan.

“I would say they want to work with us and I’d had a previous conversation with Secretary Moniz and you know I was very encouraged by his reaction.

“We are both really quite enthusiastic about working together, we’ve appointed officials to move things along and I hope to see the secretary … in a fairly short time frame,” Oliver said.

The CBC’s Chris Hall reported on Friday that Prime Minister Stephen Harper sent a letter recently to U.S. President Barack Obama, offering “joint action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the oil and gas sector” if that’s what needed to get the Keystone XL pipeline approved.

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