California, Chinese sign ‘climate’ deal — allows Chinese to steal U.S. technology

The Montreal Gazette reports:

California Gov. Jerry Brown and China’s top climate negotiator on Friday signed the first agreement between a U.S. state and China that seeks greater co-operation on clean energy technologies and research meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The memorandum of understanding signed with China’s National Development and Reform Commission was another aggressive move by California to combat climate change. The state has already passed the nation’s most ambitious greenhouse gas limits, including a so-called “cap and trade” system that put a price on carbon pollution in the state.

“I see the partnership between China and … California as a catalyst, and as a lever to change policies in the United States and, ultimately, to change policies throughout the world,” Brown said just before signing the agreement.

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2 thoughts on “California, Chinese sign ‘climate’ deal — allows Chinese to steal U.S. technology”

  1. I always thought Brown was a flake but not totally stupid. I often wonder when I hear things like this, what the pol is personally getting out of it, because they really can’t be that dumb. Maybe Brown is so ideologically blinded that he is doing this, but I’d still be looking for some personal benefit.

  2. What a moron.! As if China cares about global warming,
    America’s stupid climate change policies or what will happen with the rest of the world?
    China only cares about China…. and possible world domination.

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