Bring it on: Nanny Bloomberg, billionaire enviro Steyer, Hank ‘Mr. TARP’ Paulson to launch global warming push

Mike Bloomberg and Tom Steyer are well-known billionaire activists. Beyond the TARP fiasco, you may remember that Steve Milloy’s Free Enterprise Action Fund uncovered self-dealing by enviro Hank Paulson while he was chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs.

The Hill reports:

Outgoing New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will launch a “major bipartisan initiative on climate change” in October with billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer and George W. Bush-era Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, according to a published report.

The plan is mentioned in a new profile of Steyer and his work against the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline in The New Yorker.

Bloomberg has made climate a priority with efforts including a major grant to the Sierra Club’s anti-coal plant work and plans to strengthen New York City’s defenses against powerful storms.

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