Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer doesn’t attack Ken Cuccinelli on warming because climate NOT meaningful to Virginia voters

Politico reports:

Billionaire activist Tom Steyer admits that Terry McAuliffe is no Sen. Ed Markey when it comes to championing energy and environmental issues.

But he says the Virginia Democrat has a strong green record that justifies putting big money into his campaign for governor…

So far, Steyer’s work in Virginia has focused more on painting Cuccinelli as corrupt than on climate change specifically.

Asked why the campaign hasn’t focused more directly on climate change, the issue that is at the center of his political work, Steyer said: “This is not the Yale-Harvard debating society. You have to talk to people in terms that are meaningful for them.”

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One thought on “Billionaire enviro Tom Steyer doesn’t attack Ken Cuccinelli on warming because climate NOT meaningful to Virginia voters”

  1. Translation: “These are southerners we’re talking to. You have to treat them like the uneducated, common savages they are.”

    We all’s is jess too stoopid to see how closing down the only employer in town is good for us in the long term. Thank goodness rich yankees consider it charity to come tell us how to live and whom to elect.

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