Billionaire enviro launches $1 million ad campaign against Keystone XL jobs and wealth creation — I got mine, screw you, buddy!

The Hill reports:

Billionaire climate change activist Tom Steyer is launching a four-part, $1 million ad buy that attacks the proposed Keystone XL oil sands pipeline.

The former hedge fund chief’s first ad, slated to run during today’s political talk shows, alleges Keystone wouldn’t help the U.S. because the oil would be “refined and loaded on ships to be sold overseas to countries like China.”

“Foreign countries will get more access to more oil to make more products to sell back to us, undercutting our economy and our workers,” the ad states.

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4 thoughts on “Billionaire enviro launches $1 million ad campaign against Keystone XL jobs and wealth creation — I got mine, screw you, buddy!”

  1. Tons of El Toro Po Po………
    Just a thought. What if energy was cheaper in the U.S., then the U.S. could make things cheaper and sell them all over the world…….. Hmmm.

  2. Kind of like the billionaire in Colorado who loves Western vistas on his ranch, but loves money and will desecrate everyone else’s view with wind turbines–1000 of them–plastered over all the lowly, worthless peasant areas. He has his view, so who cares if anyone else does. He certainly doesn’t.

  3. This certainly looks like tortured thinking. Steyer may have made a fortune in hedge funds, but buying the “Global Warming” myth and funding his opposition to Keystone this way is as described in the movie, Forrest Gump, “stupid is as stupid does”.

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