Aussie warmists: Carbon tax isn’t a tax — it’s a ‘price’

In response to this statement from Aussie oppo leader Tony Abbott:

If Labor sneaks back, the carbon tax stays and goes up to $38 a tonne by 2020 and an almost unimaginable $350 a tonne by 2050.

Right now, that’s a $550 a year hit on families that will just get worse if Labor stays on.

…After insisting for two years that the carbon tax was good for you, Mr Rudd suddenly admitted that it was costing households some $550 a year.

That’s why he’s faked abolishing the carbon tax even though he’s done no such thing…,

Aussie warmists counter with:

This is straight demagoguery. The carbon price is not a tax. It is a relative pricing mechanism that forces the private sector to account for its carbon output. It does not take money from households. They are compensated with lower taxes. It takes money from carbon polluters to price them out of production and pushes up the price of goods with high carbon intensive input so that consumers chose elsewhere.

So the carbon tax isn’t just a tax — it’s a tax plus tyranny!

6 thoughts on “Aussie warmists: Carbon tax isn’t a tax — it’s a ‘price’”

  1. “It takes money from carbon polluters to price them out of production”

    That is the ONLY & ENTIRE point of the Carbon Tax scam.
    Itz called Socialism, stupid

  2. I’ve often banged my head against this wall while espousing my support for a national sales tax in place of income taxation. It’s the simplist truth that so many people find difficult to grasp. Only consumers pay taxes. Only consumers pay fees. Only consumers pay compliance costs. It is impossible to financially punish a producer. And yet I’m always met by at least one person arguing that so-and-so evil coorperation made so much money so they should be the one who pays. They just don’t get it.

  3. Why is it the genius warmists do not understand that if you make Bob’s Steel Mill pay carbon “tax” (that’s not a tax”), Bob is going to raise the price of steel, then that raises the price of cars and the consumer PAYS. Oh, I forget, the warmists calculations on business behaviour are as accurate as their climate calculations.

  4. “It is a relative pricing mechanism that forces the private sector to account for its carbon output.”

    Then the tax should be set to $0.

  5. “The carbon price is not a tax. It is a relative pricing mechanism.” This remind me of the story of the Army Manual that resused to call a spade a “spade”. The official terminology was “Manual Entrenchment Device”. They’ve even got the “adjective-adjective-noun” format down.
    A fact of life for you mendacious warmists: if the people pay it, and the government gets it, it is a TAX, even if you slather it with vegemite.

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