Aussie election looms large for global warming; Tony Abbott could deliver a crippling blow to global warmism

AAP reports:

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd says Labor will never “pull up the white flag” on climate change and it is the wrong time to change direction on the issue.

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has vowed to repeal Labor’s carbon tax, which is now transitioning to an emissions trading scheme, if the coalition wins Saturday’s election.

But Labor says it won’t back away from this policy.

The coalition has hinted it may resort to a double dissolution if Labor and the Greens thwart their mandate to axe the tax.

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2 thoughts on “Aussie election looms large for global warming; Tony Abbott could deliver a crippling blow to global warmism”

  1. Amazing, the religious fervour of the left in their warmist god. Rudd will lose the election, Prime Ministership, and probably his seat in Queensland, as a direct result of the Carbon Tax. Yet, he still cries “C02 is pollution. One more martyred in the name of AGW.

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