Arctic ice melt IS a problem because Right-wing newspapers smell, explains Guardian climate ‘expert’

James Delingpole writes at the Telegraph:

At the weekend my old mucker David Rose reported in the Mail On Sunday the shocking news that there is 60 per cent more sea ice at the Arctic than there was this time last year. So too did Hayley Dixon in the Telegraph. The implication of both pieces was that perhaps this global warming thing we’ve been hearing about ad nauseam this last couple of decades isn’t quite the deadly threat the ‘scientists’ have been telling us it was; that indeed, maybe the more pressing worry ought to be global cooling.

Luckily the Guardian’s token Big Oil employee and environmental expert Dana Nuccitelli has stepped in to explain what the problem is. It turns out that both the Mail on Sunday and the Telegraph are utterly rubbish publications, staffed by lying liars whose bottoms smell of ploppy poo, and who just can’t be trusted to report on science accurately…

Read the entire article.

5 thoughts on “Arctic ice melt IS a problem because Right-wing newspapers smell, explains Guardian climate ‘expert’”

  1. “Has Obama started a World War on Truth and Science?” Obama is a follower. The next time he starts something important will be the first time — probably a conflict in Syria, but I digress. (One might say Libya but the French really started that one.)
    Obama is an eager warrior in the war on truth and science. But that’s just a skirmish; his real war is with wealth and well-being. His attacks on truth and science are to further his real war, which he continues from others. Obama pretends to lead the charge but others made it and others move it.

  2. I thought I just read that the Arctic Ice Sheet was up 60% before the beginning of the normal freeze. Has Obama started a World War on Truth and Science? Will Obama continue to use the US Government to attack real scientists and honest news journalists? Do we now live in China?

  3. “ploppy poo”??? Highly scientific! But if anyone would know about it, wee got the right guy.

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