Anti-Keystone XL protest draws sparse crowd in Wash DC — only about 30 show up to ‘save’ planet

The Globe and Mail reports:

Only a few dozen anti-Keystone XL demonstrators showed up Saturday to Washington’s Lincoln Park, a few blocks from the Capitol, for what was billed as the main location for a nationwide day of action against the controversial pipeline planning to funnel Canadian oil sands crude to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries.

“I’m disappointed, I hoped there would be more people,” said David Barrows, 66, who wore an anti-Keystone T-shift and carried a hand-painted sign calling it the “Kill Line.”

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6 thoughts on “Anti-Keystone XL protest draws sparse crowd in Wash DC — only about 30 show up to ‘save’ planet”

  1. “the main location for a nationwide day of action against the controversial pipeline planning”

    Maybe it ain’t so controversial after all.

  2. A few dozen, must mean not even all the event organizers showed up.

    Climate alarmists are so easily mislead. Grand Theft Auto, the new iphone and XFactor must have played a big part.

    Lefties don’t have the attention span anymore, brain power dwindling rapidly, too dumbed down to save world from the climate catastrophe they imagined. How embarassing?

    Congrats to Mr Barrows for stepping up, even though he’s been brainwashed by green collar thieving academics.

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