Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’

UPI reports:

Countries must wean themselves from climate-destroying practices to shield the environment from climate change, U.S. actress-activist Daryl Hannah said.

“Known climate-destructive practices must be phased out as soon as possible, including extreme forms of fossil-fuel extraction,” Hannah said in column published Wednesday in The Wall Street Journal. “We must also immediately wean ourselves off fossil fuels; coal, natural gas, and oil — and invest in a combination of decentralized renewable energy … .”

The environmental activist and star of such movie hits as “Blade Runner,” “Splash” and “Kill Bill” also said “water-intensive, mono-crop, petrochemical industrial agriculture” has destroyed topsoil and created ocean dead zones. [Emphasis added]

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21 thoughts on “Actress Daryl Hannah recommends pre-industrial energy portfolio — no fossil fuels and reliance on ‘decentralized renewable energy’”

  1. Heh. I am willing to bet that in that universe, the scientists have already invented several Wonderfuels, but the evil oil companies aided by corrupt governments are suppressing them.

  2. Oh, she doesn’t need to do that. In her universe the scientists just need to invent Wonderfuel. I believe it will be processed from pixie dust and unicorn farts.

  3. It may be even more interesting that long before they’d figured out how to float glass for window panes, glassblowers were considered the enemies of the people and they were violently chased from place to place in Europe following the havoc they caused to the local forestry and agriculture. All that for the entertainment of the wealthy, for then there was no other practical use of glass.

  4. Absolutely right. And then for lighting they started burning whale oil, but then oil was discovered in Pennsylvania which was used to replace whale oil – not much other use for the stuff other than lamps at the time. Note that the discovery and use of oil saved more whales than Greenpeace has ever saved.

  5. It is interesting that the trees were all cut down for the glass trade. The reason they needed glass is because everyone had to move indoors because of the little ice age. The problem solved itself though when coal replaced trees as the fuel used to create the glass.

  6. She’s bitter because she missed her chance on being a Kennedy.
    Oh, but wait, she would have died in the plane crash over to Martha’s vineyard.

  7. Let’s see, Daryl. No limos, cosmetics, hair dryers, lights, cameras, paychecks… Hey, there are probably some comfortable caves in the hills of southern California, if you don’t mind fighting off the snakes and an occasional bear.

    If you want to live that lifestyle, be my guest. You have no right to insist that everyone else do the same.

  8. I wouldn’t kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but spouting this kind of ignorant dogma definitely get her the boot!

  9. That has more to do with the tight union control over hollywood. If you don’t tow the union (ie socialist) line, you’re out.

  10. Or blubber. Isn’t it amazing how exhaustive their search for stuff to burn was? They even figured they could burn rocks!

  11. There are 2 types of Greens. The manipulators, and the manipulated, also known as useful idiots. Daryl is if the latter.

  12. True, that. It seems like in general, smart people are not very good at acting. Or don’t care about it.

  13. I was actually thinking about how Imperial Rome, Elizabethan England, and Pre-Industrial New England were stripped bare of any remnants of forest. Save the trees, burn a dinosaur.

  14. She was a very pretty woman in “Splash” and “Reckless” (and don’t forget “Summer Lovers”, though she probably wishes we would). Alas, smart she ain’t.

  15. I agree, when she sucessfully weans herself off the modern grid onto something else, then lets talk.

  16. I have no doubt she’s dumb enough to have been talked into giving all her money to a “green” investment broker to be handled for her. I hope all the twits buy this garbage and start dumping good stocks. I’ll buy them up on the dip just like I do with gun companies after a shooting.

  17. “We must also immediately wean ourselves off fossil fuels; coal, natural gas, and oil — and invest in a combination of decentralized renewable energy … .”

    Is she royalty? What’s this “we” stuff. She really means YOU.

    Mz. Hannah, you do it, THEN talk about it.

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