Warmist tactic admitted: ‘Stopping dirty coal export facilities or tar sands pipelines is much easier sell than getting people to embrace higher energy prices’

Kurt Cobb writes at the Christian Science Monitor: Continue reading Warmist tactic admitted: ‘Stopping dirty coal export facilities or tar sands pipelines is much easier sell than getting people to embrace higher energy prices’

New warmist spin: IPCC deserves ‘credit for acknowledging uncertainty… means science is working the way it should’

Physicist Mark Buchanan writes at Bloomberg: Continue reading New warmist spin: IPCC deserves ‘credit for acknowledging uncertainty… means science is working the way it should’

AZ Sen. Jeff Flake: EPA has ‘regulation-at-all-cost strategy that seems to strike hardest at those who are least able to afford it’

The Hill reports: Continue reading AZ Sen. Jeff Flake: EPA has ‘regulation-at-all-cost strategy that seems to strike hardest at those who are least able to afford it’

Obama ‘war on coal’ technically only a ‘police action’ — Would need Congress to declare war

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports: Continue reading Obama ‘war on coal’ technically only a ‘police action’ — Would need Congress to declare war

Enviros admit opposition to Keystone XL not about ‘extra’ carbon emissions: Tell Obama to reject pipeline even w/Canadian offsets

The WaPo reports: Continue reading Enviros admit opposition to Keystone XL not about ‘extra’ carbon emissions: Tell Obama to reject pipeline even w/Canadian offsets