Manmade greenhouse warming to date offset by ‘uncertain amount’ of manmade cooling, says National Academy of Sciences

From the new National Academy of Sciences report on climate modeling: Continue reading Manmade greenhouse warming to date offset by ‘uncertain amount’ of manmade cooling, says National Academy of Sciences

Shock admission ahead of IPCC report: National Academy of Sciences says climate models not ready for decision-making

From the new National Academy of Sciences report on climate modeling: Continue reading Shock admission ahead of IPCC report: National Academy of Sciences says climate models not ready for decision-making

Areas where debate is not over: National Academy of Sciences admits climate sensitivity, sea-ice loss, precipitation extremes need more work

From the new National Academy of Sciences report on climate modeling: Continue reading Areas where debate is not over: National Academy of Sciences admits climate sensitivity, sea-ice loss, precipitation extremes need more work

Deniers Need Not Apply: National Academy of Sciences says climate modelers should be ‘accredited’

From the new National Academy of Sciences report on climate modeling: Continue reading Deniers Need Not Apply: National Academy of Sciences says climate modelers should be ‘accredited’

National Academy of Sciences: Climate modeling not meeting needs of users — usefulness decades away

From the new National Academy of Sciences report on climate modeling: Continue reading National Academy of Sciences: Climate modeling not meeting needs of users — usefulness decades away

National Academy of Sciences admits climate debate not over: ‘Genuine and important uncertainties remain’

From the new National Academy of Sciences report on climate modeling: Continue reading National Academy of Sciences admits climate debate not over: ‘Genuine and important uncertainties remain’

Warmism’s recurring theme: ‘Things did not go as expected: a frustrating mix of unpredictable weather and Murphy’s Law’

Graham Lloyd writes at the Australian: Continue reading Warmism’s recurring theme: ‘Things did not go as expected: a frustrating mix of unpredictable weather and Murphy’s Law’

Warmist ‘consensus’ found to be just a PR campaign: Climategater admits Cook paper ‘a damp squib’

Andrew Montford writes at the Australian: Continue reading Warmist ‘consensus’ found to be just a PR campaign: Climategater admits Cook paper ‘a damp squib’

Backfire: German wind, solar policy drives utilities back to coal; Renewable use up — so are CO2 emissions

Bloomberg reports: Continue reading Backfire: German wind, solar policy drives utilities back to coal; Renewable use up — so are CO2 emissions