WV paper: ‘A shame Obama nominee’s confirmation had to be held up to force EPA to do the right thing’

And we have yet to see if EPA will do anything at all.

The Wheeling Intelligencer editorializes:

It has been more than four months since President Barack Obama nominated Gina McCarthy to head the Environmental Protection Agency, replacing Lisa Jackson. But a vote on confirming the appointment has yet to be scheduled in the Senate.

Liberal lawmakers insist that is obstructionism by conservatives – but there is more to the story.

It was reported this week some Republicans who have blocked a vote on McCarthy may be ready to allow one. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, explained why.

It seems the EPA has been engaged in obstructionism, too. Vitter said the agency now is ready to satisfy three key concerns.

One involves access to information about the agency, and another concerns an important study on EPA air pollution rules. Finally, Vitter said the EPA may be ready to look at studies of the effect its rules have on the economy.

EPA officials should have been doing all these things previously. It is a shame McCarthy’s confirmation had to be held up to force the agency to do the right thing.

One thought on “WV paper: ‘A shame Obama nominee’s confirmation had to be held up to force EPA to do the right thing’”

  1. I promise you that EPA will do nothing meaningful to fulfill their “promises.”

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