Who’s got more common sense on tanning: Gwyneth Paltrow or Ohio dermatologist Dr. Louis Barich?

We report. You decide.

As reported last weekend, Ohio dermatologist Louis Barich said:

There is no such thing as a safe tan, no such thing as a healthy tan.

Compare that with the British Cosmopolitan (via US Weekly) quote from actress Gwyneth Paltrow:

We’re human beings and the sun is the sun — how can it be bad for you? I think we should all get sun and fresh air. I don’t think anything that is natural can be bad for you — it’s really good to have at least 15 minutes of sun a day.

10 thoughts on “Who’s got more common sense on tanning: Gwyneth Paltrow or Ohio dermatologist Dr. Louis Barich?”

  1. I was speaking to my GP about this recently and he concurs, however, as common sense has been replaced by hysteria, he acknowledges that his hands are tied.
    It is not de riguer to recommend getting ‘some sun’. He would be open to law suits.
    No one wins in this ludicrous debate. The nannies have taken over.

  2. Not only are the doctors seeing rickets, which the vast majority have never seen outside a text book, but there has been a massive increase in melanoma rates since the “slip, slop, slap” era began, especially in young adults where previously it was extremely rare.

  3. Australia has a high incidence of Vitamin D deficiencies, especially in children, since the “slip, slop, slap” era began. Whilst it’s wise to protect yourself if working in the sun all day, the result has been that now it is recommended that children be put on Vitamin D medication.
    It makes little sense, especially when a small amount of exposure would fulfill both paradigms.

  4. That jumped out at me too.
    Few things annoy me more than hearing people cite natural-ness to argue that something is good for you.

  5. Not only that, but it converts cholesterol to Vitamin D. without sunlight most of us would be on statins.

    Should we not question those who say no sun exposure as to their relationship with drug companies?

  6. All to moderation, non to excess. I believe Ms. Paltrow has the right idea here. Considering how fair complected she is, fifteen minutes of sun is probably enough for her.
    As I remember from my general anatomy / physiology courses at university, melanin absorbs ultraviolet radiation and its production is a necessary part of Vitamin D production that takes place within the skin. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

  7. I don’t think anything that is natural can be bad for you

    I had a coworker try to get me to eat something by saying, “it’s all natural.” To which I replied, “so is belladonna.”

  8. There is no universal truth. If one leaves in England, it is a good idea to be exposed to direct sunlight at least a few days a year. In the U.S., it is just as good to keep in the shade and wear a wide-brimmed hat. Then, the results vary by race. The black folks will never receive the required amount of UV living in Northern Europe. Europeans living in the tropics would die without protection.

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