14 thoughts on “Waxman challenges Boehner to floor debate on climate”

  1. You’re right, except we can hope that the fool will become obvious to those who may have believed.

  2. At 2:26 AM on 16 July, frankpwhite had opined:

    Taking account of the fact that the Warmista Causus has focused on climate for years, while Boehner and his colloeagues have more important public affairs to occupy them, this will be a battle between David (Boehner) and Goliath (the Warmista Caucus).

    Considering that Boehner knows exactly squat about the skeptical position on the CO2-“forcing” mechanism behind the preposterous bogosity of the Watermelons’ “man-made climate change” contention, ahd the fact that he’s a constitutional conservative to exactly the same extent that I’m Marie, Queen of Rumania, the better biblical analogy doesn’t refer to David (who went into his fight against Goliath with the intention to win) but rather to Judas Iscariot.

    See Boehner’s TelePrompTer-scripted-in-advance overriding of the floor vote at the 2012 Republican National Convention to violate the RNC’s own rules of procedure in order to kick out the delegates representing Ron Paul and thereby prevent Dr. Paul from speaking at that convention.

  3. Some readers may not know what a “debate on the floor of the House” means because usually climate is debated in and by one of the standing committees.

    A committee can call witnesses or experts, actually compel anyone at all to appear before the House. [Unlike the parliaments of Commonwealth countries, which do not have this power.]

    Only representatives can speak on the floor of the House. So this is a ploy to force Boehner and his colleagues to defend their views on climate.

    Taking account of the fact that the Warmista Causus has focused on climate for years, while Boehner and his colloeagues have more important public affairs to occupy them, this will be a battle between David (Boehner) and Goliath (the Warmista Caucus).

    Now “under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge”, but that is the way to bet.

    I believe readers may not recognize the object of this strategy is to win the race by fair or foul. I don’t have a good feeling about this debate.

  4. That is EXACTLY why Boehner should accept the challenge. The cancellations will be a nightmare for Waxman.

    Don’t forget, this is the House, so the Dems won’t be able to change the rules or otherwise cheat.

  5. Howdy whitetop
    All of your starting lineup have chickened out of debates repeatedly. They are same kind of dream team as Corey, De La Rionda and Guy.

  6. Waxman’s line up would surely include al gorzeera, Micahael Mann, James Hanson with 7 other accredited idiots to be named later. Scratch Al as he has weaseled out of every debate someone has tried to have with him. Mann will have his lawyer handy to hand out subpoenas to anyone who criticizes him and Hanson will require a $million to show up.

  7. If our House and Senate used real debate rules it MIGHT have some interest. They don’t and this will be a propaganda circus.

  8. I hope the congressmen and the public are smart enough to pay attention to the language of the debate, if not to its substance, and could keep the scores as you suggest (even if subconsciously). That will only work, though, if everybody is given equal time.

  9. Howdy Gene
    Here’s one method for scoring such a debate: add one point for each “did” and “measured” and “observed”, deduct one for each “may”, “predicted”, “modeled”, etc.

  10. Hey Geoff,

    I’d think they’d be digging themselves in a pit with a proposal like this, but as you observe, the outcome is likely to be determined by the guest list and by the inclinations of the person presiding over the debate. No doubt they are looking forward to put properly accredited morons in front of the cameras, like they did in the previous debate a couple months ago.

  11. Oh, please, please. Sen. Inhofe can help with the guest list. Let’s start with Steve Milloy and Anthony Watts bats second. Viscount Monckton bats cleanup. Chris Morano pitching (questions).

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