Washington DC Warming: 138 hours above 80 degrees

Meanwhile, records low in Chile. Hot here, cold there — will likely all work out to another year of no significant warming.

The WaPo reports:

Add another impressive heat record to Washington, D.C.’s astonishingly long list over the last four summers.

For over five and a half days ending this morning, the temperature was least 80 degrees in Washington, D.C. This 138-hour streak is the longest on record (dating back to 1871), besting the 128-hour streak of two years ago.

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6 thoughts on “Washington DC Warming: 138 hours above 80 degrees”

  1. Howdy marque2
    That many consecutive hours above 80 is unusual. A heat wave is normal for this season in the Northern Hemisphere, just as you say.

  2. I am not sure if it is even unusual. If you just look at average temps it may seem high, but just about everywhere I have lived there has been on week in July or August where the temps seem unusually hot. even for Summer, we all complain about the heat and then it goes away.

    Now the normal one week of heat wave is Global Warming and unusual, and unprecedented.

  3. Yes, it is the Global Warming we experience every Summer.
    OMG it there is a heatwave for a week in July – no kidding!

  4. This is an unusual weather event. That’s all it is. Given that government is one of few growth industries, it’s conceivable that this is largely an urban effect.

  5. I lived in Chesterfield County for 16 years. One of the reasons I moved south was to get away from the heat.
    And humidity.

    The summer forecast for Richmond, for months at a time, was, “hot, hazy and humid, with a chance of afternoon or evening thunderstorms.” Little need for a weather person on TV during the summer.

  6. I believe Washington has been know for oppressive summer heat since it was established. The earlier descriptions were along the lines of malarial swamp that those who could afford to do so escaped during the summer. Not much has changed except more than a few added square miles of heat trapping concrete. I live in Richmond. We’ve had similar temperatures. I’ve lived in North Carolina and New Orleans. As best I recall, it gets hot in the summer.

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