Warmists Predict: Arctic May Be Ice-Free By 2054

The International Business Times reports:

In 45 years, the Arctic may lose its icy touch. According to a new study, researchers predict the North Pole may be ice-free for several months starting in the year 2054.

Using a computer simulation tool and measurements surrounding sea ice conditions, American and Chinese researchers estimate that the region will be ice-free between the years 2054 to 2058. Scientists defined “ice-free” as a period of time that usually takes place in September when ice is prone to melt after the region experiences heat brought on by summer, Phys.org reports.

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11 thoughts on “Warmists Predict: Arctic May Be Ice-Free By 2054”

  1. Not if the people who made the prediction get their way on policy, you won’t.

  2. They made serious mistakes in the several 5 year predictions. Those mistakes were that someone might remember they made the prediction. 2054 is so far in the future that this prediction will not be remembered.

  3. Exactly, why is it suddenly 40 years away? I’m guessing because they already know we’re heading into a cooling cycle- which may end up being longer than 40 years.

    btw, do I recall you doing the weather forecast on local tv in the Harrisburg area?

  4. You have to accept that they are learning. The previous climate scientists made death spiral predictions that should be happening now – and are not. So this new report puts the ice free Arctic safely out at 45 years into the future so the modelers will be able to retire before their predictions can be validated.

    Climate science is never having to say we were wrong.

  5. These predictions and the scientists making them are comical. Why does anyone take them seriously? The “arctic is melting” alarmists haven’t been right about anything. But it doesn’t stop them from making more ludicrous model-based predictions. At least with their latest long-range forecast, most won’t be above ground to witness their colossal failure.

    There are indications based on the weakness of the current solar cycle that we may be headed for an extended cool-down. Indeed, scientists at Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, are convinced that “we could be in for a cooling period that lasts 200-250 years.” In which case, 50 years from now, too little arctic sea ice will be the least of our worries.

  6. The last ten or so predictions for ice-free Arctic Ocean summer have bilged, so I’m having trouble swallowing this one.

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