Warmist links global warming with firefighter deaths

English major Chris Mooney writes:

In the wake of the tragic news that 19 heroic members of an elite “Hotshot” firefighting team were killed in Arizona, there’s been renewed discussion about climate change and how it is worsening wildfires. In particular, there’s considerable evidence that western fire seasons are getting longer and more destructive, and that this is tied to more extreme heat and drought.

But does the same dynamic make the act of wildland firefighting riskier? There are reasons to suspect that it does.

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9 thoughts on “Warmist links global warming with firefighter deaths”

  1. But AGW predicts the winds will be changier! And more blowier! And all the chicken littles will be screamier… Praise Gaia. Praise her for her infinite nonsensical believers… Amen.

  2. ” There are reasons to suspect that it does.”

    And those reasons are? And why should we suspect those reasons?

    The only drought happening is facts disappearing in the alarmists rethoric. Sadly it’s a watered down dessert by now. Wonder how much coDoh that would take.

  3. There are no limits to the degree a greenie will stoop. None.

    They rise to no occasion, and stoop without limit.

  4. It is summer in the desert. Things are always hot and dry in the area at this time of year. Dry lightning started the fire, and conditions were ideal for its propagation. Nothing related to climate change is involved.

  5. Of course warmists are going to claim this tragedy is linked to climate change. However —
    1. Heat waves, it turns out, have very little to do with climate, according to an interesting item at Watts Up With That.
    2. Wildfire seasons in the West have not shown increasing trends, not in number and not in severity of fires. Wildfire season in the West is wildly variable year to year and among states in the same year, so trending it is very difficult.
    3. I’m sure that hotter, drier weather makes a wildfire harder to fight and harder to predict. What does anyone expect in Central Arizona in June, for heaven’s sake? There’s no sign that this weather was at all unusual for the location and season.
    I don’t know how this fire got so far ahead of these skilled and courageous firefighters. This tragedy can’t be linked to climate change, though. The worst loss of wildland firefighters was decades ago when the climate was supposedly “better”.

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