Texas and AG Greg Abbott lose court fight with EPA over power plant permits

The Dallas Morning News reports:

The U.S. Court of Appeals slapped down Texas’ most recent challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency on Friday, the latest defeat in Attorney General Greg Abbott’s lengthy legal crusade against the federal government.

Abbott had attempted to block the EPA from controlling the state’s system for issuing permits to power plants. That process has been under federal oversight since 2010.

The EPA gave itself the authority to intervene in the permit processes of 13 states, including Texas, in 2010 because the agency claimed that those states’ policies did not consider greenhouse gas emissions.

The D.C. Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that the petitioners — which included Texas, Wyoming and a handful of industry groups — didn’t have legal standing to bring the case. Judge Judith Rogers wrote in the majority opinion that the states had failed ”to show how they have been injured” by sharing permitting power with the EPA.

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5 thoughts on “Texas and AG Greg Abbott lose court fight with EPA over power plant permits”

  1. Science and rational thought are not terms I’d use early, positively or often to describe my 30 years experience in environmental compliance annd permitting. The terms certainly don’t apply to state-federal jurisdictional disputes. Perhaps Mr. Bell would provide a demonstration of how this will suddenly become the wave of the future.

  2. “Science”, “rational”, and “thought” have been redefined; the way these words are used today by way too many people has nothing to do with their dictionary meaning. Just like “liberal” no longer has anything to do with liberty and “progressive” with progress. The only progress lately has been in the extent of corruption and suppression of the real science and rational thought.

    And, of course, “good” means lots of different things to different people.

  3. Democrats are determined to make Texas and blue state and this is just one more approach. They have a lot of weapons in their arsenal and they are using all of them. Take away a state’s sovereignty and you own it.

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