States begin jockeying to avoid being screwed by Obama climate plan

USA Today reports:

Delaware is literally in a tough spot when it comes to air quality. Downwind of the carbon-spewing Ohio Valley and industrial neighbors such as New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the tiny state has little control over what wafts into its air, whether it’s ozone or other toxic greenhouse gases. The state is sometimes called the “nation’s tailpipe.”

So it would seem logical that Delaware officials, who have been among the most vocal supporters of new air regulations, would be overjoyed by President Barack Obama’s plan to tackle climate change. Curbs on carbon dioxide at existing power plants, which account for some 40 percent of man-made emissions in the U.S., are at the center of the president’s wide-ranging blueprint unveiled last month, which also calls for boosting renewable energy and natural gas generation.

Gov. Jack Markell, a Democrat, praised it as a “common sense approach,” that “will help address climate change, improve air quality and help Delaware’s economy.”

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3 thoughts on “States begin jockeying to avoid being screwed by Obama climate plan”

  1. The planet is too small to avoid being shafted by climate-change plans. Everyone below the very wealthy will be harmed.
    “… whether it’s ozone or other toxic greenhouse gases.” To some degree, all atmosphere components are “greenhouse gases” and I guess ozone is irritating. But the key three greenhouse elements — methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor — are not toxic in the concentrations found in the atmosphere. Water vapor and methane aren’t toxic at all, although if they displace oxygen you can die that way. The toxic levels of CO2 are so much higher than anything we have that we can’t conceivably get there by any human process.

  2. What are these *Toxic Greenhouse Gases* of which they speak. And, how is reducing CO2 going to “improve air quality”?
    Sometimes I wonder if any of these sheeple even have any clue at all…

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