Senate Dems bummed Obama offered no climate welfare for Great Lakes

The Hill reports:

Six Democratic senators said they were “disappointed” President Obama didn’t mention the impact climate change is having on the Great Lakes.

Climate change could exacerbate the Great Lakes’ long-receding water levels, the senators said, arguing this deserves more attention given the risks to the nation’s largest freshwater supply, commercial shipping and the 1.5 million jobs the Great Lakes support.

“This year, Great Lakes water levels reached new historic lows severely hampering commercial shipping, jeopardizing recreational boating and fishing, devastating the tourism industry, threatening electric power generation, compromising water supply infrastructure, and exacerbating problems caused by invasive species,” the senators wrote to Obama on Tuesday.

The signatories were Sens. Carl Levin (Mich.), Debbie Stabenow (Mich.), Charles Schumer (N.Y.), Al Franken (Minn.), Sherrod Brown (Ohio) and Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.).

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