Scrap green taxes on energy bills, say MPs : Levies could add a third to electricity prices by 2020

The Daily Mail reports:

Swingeing green stealth levies on energy bills are ‘perverse’ and should be scrapped, MPs warn today.

A major report says the taxes are hitting poorer families hardest.

MPs also call for middle-class pensioners to lose their winter fuel allowance, with the savings redirected to help low-income households insulate their homes.

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One thought on “Scrap green taxes on energy bills, say MPs : Levies could add a third to electricity prices by 2020”

  1. Gotta scrap the whole green energy concept. It’s a fallacy from beginning to end. End the taxes, the subsidies and the standards. Let real engineering and real costs and values drive the energy system and the whole economy improves.

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