National Academy of Sciences to investigate warmist Kerry Emanuel for failing to disclose insurance industry ties in recent study

Is MIT warmist Kerry Emanuel hiding his conflict of interest again? Continue reading National Academy of Sciences to investigate warmist Kerry Emanuel for failing to disclose insurance industry ties in recent study

Tanning Nanny: Investment banker, ex-Obama official Peter Orszag attacks, misinforms on indoor tanning

Below is Orzag’s column. [My comments are in bold brackets.] Continue reading Tanning Nanny: Investment banker, ex-Obama official Peter Orszag attacks, misinforms on indoor tanning

Researchers question proxy temperature studies — ‘Living things grow differently in different years depending on what is happening in the local area’

ABC Australia reports: Continue reading Researchers question proxy temperature studies — ‘Living things grow differently in different years depending on what is happening in the local area’

Warmist Laugher: Krauthammer offered no evidence that carbon cuts would kill jobs, hurt the economy

Yes… no nation dumb enough to let warmism go that far. Carbon trading failed in the EU and the Aussies are preparing to dump their carbon tax. No one else regulates carbon in any meaningful way. Continue reading Warmist Laugher: Krauthammer offered no evidence that carbon cuts would kill jobs, hurt the economy

Study: 20,000 ppm CO2 sustained life on Earth 3 billion years ago

“Solving the “faint young sun paradox” — explaining how early Earth was warm and habitable for life beginning more than 3 billion years ago even though the sun was 20 percent dimmer than today — may not be as difficult as believed, says a new University of Colorado Boulder study.” Continue reading Study: 20,000 ppm CO2 sustained life on Earth 3 billion years ago

Matt Ridley responds: ‘Phil Plait’s understanding of the literature in this area is very superficial and out of date’

The Wall Street Journal reports: Continue reading Matt Ridley responds: ‘Phil Plait’s understanding of the literature in this area is very superficial and out of date’