Obama’s new dumping ground for green energy junk: Public housing

Your tax dollars at work. Green energy projects rarely pay off — except to the vendors of the junk technology.

The Center for American Progress writes:

The president’s Climate Action Plan made useful steps in advancing this goal through three measures, including establishing a Multifamily Energy Innovation Fund through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, expanding the ability of the Rural Utilities Service at the Department of Agriculture to promote energy-efficiency lending, and broadening the successful Better Buildings Initiative into the domain of multifamily housing. Together these measures can expand access to credit and use public-private partnerships to more effectively support a new wave of green investments in affordable multifamily housing.

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5 thoughts on “Obama’s new dumping ground for green energy junk: Public housing”

  1. The Republicans are in bed with more successful business, anyway. By and large.
    Government should not be “in bed” with business at all, of course, nor hampering business either.

  2. Obama and the Enablers keep teaching us why government meddling in private issues is a bad thing. If private investors would not buy the green building stuff on its own merits, it’s just as bad an idea to push it in taxpayer-funded housing.

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