Obama mocks Keystone XL pipeline jobs

From a NYTimes interview with BHO:

NYT: A couple other quick subjects that are economic-related. Keystone pipeline — Republicans especially talk about that as a big job creator. You’ve said that you would approve it only if you could be assured it would not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon in the atmosphere. Is there anything that Canada could do or the oil companies could do to offset that as a way of helping you to reach that decision?

MR. OBAMA: Well, first of all, Michael, Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator. There is no evidence that that’s true. And my hope would be that any reporter who is looking at the facts would take the time to confirm that the most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline — which might take a year or two — and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 [chuckles] jobs in a economy of 150 million working people.

NYT: Yet there are a number of unions who want you to approve this.

MR. OBAMA: Well, look, they might like to see 2,000 jobs initially. But that is a blip relative to the need.

So what we also know is, is that that oil is going to be piped down to the Gulf to be sold on the world oil markets, so it does not bring down gas prices here in the United States. In fact, it might actually cause some gas prices in the Midwest to go up where currently they can’t ship some of that oil to world markets.

Now, having said that, there is a potential benefit for us integrating further with a reliable ally to the north our energy supplies. But I meant what I said; I’m going to evaluate this based on whether or not this is going to significantly contribute to carbon in our atmosphere. And there is no doubt that Canada at the source in those tar sands could potentially be doing more to mitigate carbon release.

NYT: And if they did, could that offset the concerns about the pipeline itself?

MR. OBAMA: We haven’t seen specific ideas or plans. But all of that will go into the mix in terms of John Kerry’s decision or recommendation on this issue.

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13 thoughts on “Obama mocks Keystone XL pipeline jobs”

  1. But Mr. President, what if the jobs created saves just one child from going to school hungry, isn’t it worth it? Have a heart!

  2. Except the jobs will be much more than 2,000 and they are private sector, requiring no taxpayer money. The government will make money thru taxes. It just goes to show how economically illiterate the President is.

  3. Oil is a fungible world commodity, true enough. It is only somewhat fungible; different refineries perform more efficiently with different types of oil. So moving a given type of oil to a closer refinery can make it more valuable.
    Because oil is readily fungible (though not completely), it makes sense to have more of it coming from wicked capitalist speculators who want to make a profit, like our Canadian and American petro-plutocrats, instead of coming from tyrants with a geopolitical agenda of exploiting industrial societies to fund terror and oppression. The OPEC gang have been inefficient at cutting off oil supplies but only too effective at jerking the world’s oil chain and manipulating prices.

  4. And a net loss of value, considering the cost of the windmill and its operation compared to the energy created.

  5. In his words
    “So what we also know is, is that that oil is going to be piped down to the Gulf to be sold on the world oil markets, so it does not bringdown gas prices here in the United States. In fact, it might
    actually cause some gas prices in the Midwest to go up where currently they can’t ship some of that oil to world markets.”

    He would like Canada to have no place to ship it that way it has to be sold to the US at a deep discount is this his idea of free trade or is Canada just his to abuse as he likes. Makes you wonder

  6. It is difficult to overstate the arrogance and condescension of this man, POTUS Obama. He who has done nothing in the private sector to create jobs scoffs at, what has to be an intentionally-low number of potential jobs waiting to be filled, what the private sector is ready, willing and able to do. Just get out of the way, sir, and let some adults manage this project.

  7. Obama scoffs at the lack of long term jobs for the pipeline, what about a windmill, its built then what, another eagle killer, but no long term jobs. He is one sorry President

  8. Pipeline or not, the tar sands oil will be sold and it will be shipped. The Keystone pipeline is the most efficient way to do that. Otherwise, it will be shipped by rail or another pipeline routed elsewhere. Those alternatives will also create jobs… Because rail shipping MORE EXPENSIVE, that means NOT building the pipeline might create MORE jobs. Those jobs might be Canadian jobs, but clearly Mr Obama doesn’t care about that. He wants to pretend that not building the pipeline will keep the oil in the ground. That’s not gonna happen no matter what he does or doesn’t do.

  9. I remember Westbrook Pegler as a man who compromised whatever credibility he may have had on other subjects with virulent racist invective.

  10. The late Westbrook Pegler, who was a severe scold of F.D. Roosevelt, certainly would have had plenty to say, had he lived, about this poltroon, Obummer.

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