North Carolina paper: Obama climate plan is Congress’ fault; It wrongly gave away its power

This editorial should be passed around to every Congressional contact you have.

The Sun Journal (New Bern, NC) comments:

Members of Congress angry about how the president plans to work around them and pursue his climate change agenda through executive orders have only themselves to blame. The president did not usurp their authority. They gave it to him.

For decades, Congress has been delegating its authority to make federal laws. It passes vague laws, setting broad goals and giving authority to one or more federal agencies to develop the regulations that will pursue those goals…

Members of Congress may be right about the effects of Obama’s plan. They are correct when they complain that he is circumventing Congress. But that is their fault.

Congress should stop empowering bureaucrats to do its job. Federal laws and regulations should be passed by Congress. If lawmakers want to let experts draw up regulations, they should at least require those experts to submit the regulations to Congress for approval before they become law.

If Congress had done so, it wouldn’t find itself ignored on this issue.

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3 thoughts on “North Carolina paper: Obama climate plan is Congress’ fault; It wrongly gave away its power”

  1. All I can say is, Amen! Congress “punting” with vague laws that let the bureaucrats define the detail, is, and has been, the root of many, many of this country’s problems.

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