Michael Mann the real climate denier: He denies taxpayers who funded his ‘work’ from seeing that ‘work’

“We’re waiting for every news reporter at every McAuliffe-Mann event to ask: ‘Why are you hiding your activities at a public college that the taxpayers funded?'”

Lars Hagen writesin the Washington Times:

Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, will kick off Science Week with Michael Mann. Of all the climate scientists to drag into the politics of global warming and climate change, one could hardly do worse than Mr. Mann.

Mr. Mann is the real denier in the global-warming controversy. He is denying the taxpayers who funded his “work” at the University of Virginia (UVa.) from seeing that “work.” To add insult to injury, UVa. has spent hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars fighting Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for release of the taxpayer-funded “global-warming research” activities of Mr. Mann and his associates at the university. The malfeasance of the UVa. administration in keeping the public, which paid for this Mann activity, from seeing this “work” is unconscionable.

What is Mr. Mann hiding? Isn’t sharing and debating research fundamentally at the very heart of the scientific method? This clearly is not his personal intellectual property. Why is he continuing the “Climategate” cover-up? The Roanoke Times editorially declared that the FOIA laws and processes should be followed and the material made public. We’re waiting for every news reporter at every McAuliffe-Mann event to ask: “Why are you hiding your activities at a public college that the taxpayers funded?”

3 thoughts on “Michael Mann the real climate denier: He denies taxpayers who funded his ‘work’ from seeing that ‘work’”

  1. Testimony given at Sen. Inhofe’s 2006 Environment and Public Works Committee hearings destroyed Mann’s Hokey Stick three years before Climategate1 and five years before Climategate 2.
    Hopefully, the ongoing Mann v. Steyn lawsuit discovery process will finally lay this American economy-destroying nonsense to rest. Anthony Watts summarizes well (including links to Mann’s lawyer’s letters):
    And for good measure:

  2. Ken Cuccinelli is the only person I know who has stood up to that Michael Mann shit for what it is

    For what Michael Mann is

  3. The taxpayers’ most senior representatives hired Mann to hide stuff. That’s why. The less senior ones need to escalate their demands to the highest level, but I am afraid they will be outnumbered by idiots with a vote.

    In a quest for truth, you either vote or shoot. Nothing else will ever work. We refuse paying taxes, but if many enough of us do so, a shoot-out is guaranteed. In any case, focusing on Mann or UVa is not going to be productive. I can’t see how we can get rid of puppets until the puppeteers are gone.

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