McKibben: ‘We’re not radicals… we need to cut carbon emissions to zero’

The Cambridge Committee for Net Zero Buildings announced:

World-renowned environmentalist Bill McKibben has added his name to the Connolly Petition and endorsed the efforts of Cambridge residents to enact the nation’s first “net zero” zoning standard for new development projects.

Speaking the evening of July 21 before a crowd of about 250 people at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Harvard Square, McKibben called on political leaders to put a price on carbon pollution and suggested that it’s the fossil fuel industry — not environmentalists — who are the true zealots in the debate over climate change.

“We are not the radicals,” McKibben told the audience. “Radicals are willing to alter the chemical composition of the atmosphere in order to make more money”…

“What a great initiative,” McKibben said. “If we’re going to stop climate change, we don’t need to just cut our carbon emissions a little bit — we need to cut them down to zero,” he added.

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6 thoughts on “McKibben: ‘We’re not radicals… we need to cut carbon emissions to zero’”

  1. I read this this morning and it’s still the dumbest thing I’ve heard anyone say all week.
    But then, no one is following Cynthia McKinney around anymore.

  2. I think it would be a fun and interesting experiment to send a group of the warmists such as McKibben to the Biodome where they can adjust down the CO2 to a “safe” level like 200ppm and see how long they can last.

  3. That’s why I left the Unitarian Church. Having become officially agnostic, the Unitarian brand wound up more lefty than the Society of Friends.
    As for McKibben, he proposes a plan that is cruel in its outcomes and for no benefit to anyone except rent-seekers like Big Wind and Big Calamity-Coming.

  4. Agreed. How much carbon [sic] did he emit while saying, “we don’t need to just cut our carbon emissions a little bit — we need to cut them down to zero.”

  5. The easiest thing for them to achieve is to cut carbon and other emissions from their mouths. They don’t need our permission or endorsement to do so, so why not spare us that noise?

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