Malaria increased 6-fold in South Africa when it stopped using DDT

Premium Times reports:

Also, the South African representative reiterated that it is important for all African leaders to eliminate malaria in Africa, thus, queried why DDT comes under attack annually whenever it is raised as a means of eradicating malaria.

“If we stop using it, we are sentencing our people to death. Every other continent used DDT to eradicate malaria, so why is our turn
different in Africa?”

He said that within five years, South African had a 600 per cent increase in malaria rate from 1996 when the country stopped using DDT.
“We had no choice but revert to it. DDT must remain here until a more effective chemical is discovered. We want to emphasize that it must not be removed from our agreed agenda on how to eradicate malaria in Africa,” he said.

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4 thoughts on “Malaria increased 6-fold in South Africa when it stopped using DDT”

  1. To a Green, a few million human lives are not significant if their loss helps preserve the mechanical integrity of the eggs of a rara avis somewhere.

  2. Extensive conversation in this article, its unfortunate it is filled will so much misinformation regarding DDT and its impact on human health.

    All of these anti-DDT ‘studies’ end up as either poorly designed, speculative or outright fraud. I wish someone would do an analysis of EVERY ‘scientific’ study on every subject to find out how many of them are of any real value.

    As an example; there have been so many studies on fluoride that the issue of ‘scientific study value’ was addressed in the book “Fluoride Wars”, by Jay Lehr and R. Allan Freeze; a book worth reading by the way. On page 194 they discuss the York University study that evaluated the thousands of studies on fluoride. Their review found only “214 studies out of the thousands that have appeared in print during the period 1951-1999 that met their acceptance criteria, and of these, only 26 provided a defensible analysis of the direct impact of fluoridation on dental caries”. Thousands of studies in 48 years only produced 26 of real value.

    Based on that single issue I can only imagine how many regarding DDT are worthless.

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